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Understanding the Different Types of Child Custody

If you are about to file for divorce or have a custody agreement that you aren’t happy with, get to know all of your options. The child’s best interests are the top priority when it comes to child custody agreements.

Types of Child Custody Arrangements

There are a variety of options to accommodate all types of families. If you want to know more about your chances of fighting for custody of your children, contact a lawyer today.

Here are the different types of child custody:

1. Full Custody: Full custody is when one parent is granted full physical possession of the child. The other parent still has visitation rights and limited decision-making contributions.

2. Sole Custody: A parent is given full physical and legal custody of the child, with no visitation and no parental rights available to the other parent.

3. Joint Physical Custody: An agreement that the child's physical custody will be shared according to the child’s best interests. This does not always come with a schedule or equal time between parents. This agreement works best when the parents get along and can communicate a plan based on ongoing changes.

4. Joint Legal Custody: Both parents have a right to make decisions for the child, whether it be medical or educational, or other.

5. Split Custody: This arrangement can occur when siblings are split up for one child to have custody with one parent and the other child to stay with the other parent. This practice is rare as the goal is to avoid splitting up the family as much as possible.

There are many options for child custody agreements. If a couple cannot agree, then a decision is made by the court. Often, this leads to both parties having to sacrifice their preferences.

Reach Out to Miles & Hatcher

At Miles & Hatcher, LLP, we know how excruciating family custody agreements can be. Please reach out to our team to answer questions you may have about your current child custody arrangement. If you would like to make changes or explore your rights, call to schedule a free consultation: (909) 481-4080.

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