If you are not speaking in legal terms, you may use the words robbery and burglary interchangeably. But the truth is there is a significant difference between robbery and burglary, and the charges warrant distinct consequences. So let's find out more about a burglary charge vs. a robbery charge.
Burglary Vs. Robbery
Know the crime's severity before getting involved in the wrong situation at the wrong time. You may not know how serious a robbery charge is until you experience it. So what is the difference between a robbery and a burglary?
· Robbery: A robbery involves a person feeling threatened or physically forced to forfeit their property to the robber. Sometimes physical harm is involved, but even feelings of fear and intimidation warrant a robbery charge. Robbery is considered a violent crime.
· Burglary: The act of entering a person's home or property without permission is considered a burglary. You do not even have to steal anything to be charged with burglary. For example, if you are caught in the home and run away, you are still subject to a burglary charge. In addition, the victim is not present during a burglary, meaning there is no possibility of a robbery charge.
When you know how serious entering a person's home is, even when they are not home, you may think twice about committing a petty crime. You can protect your criminal record by staying educated on what constitutes a burglary or a robbery. If you have already been involved in a crime, it's time to ask for help.
How Can an Attorney Help?
When you hire the right attorney, they can represent you in a court of law. Then, you will get a chance to stand before a judge and accept your charges. We can discuss possible defense claims and make a plan for the case.
You can learn more about your charge and how to reduce your sentence with the help of Miles & Hatcher, LLP. Our experts know how to navigate a criminal charge, whether it be burglary or robbery. We can even get charges reduced or thrown out altogether. Take advantage of our industry knowledge by calling to schedule a free consultation: (909) 481-4080.